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  Would you like a place to write some articles and share some code? But don’t want the hassle of managing a web site yourself? This might be the place for you.  

Source Code

  Many articles are introductory– Some articles contain source code that you are free to use — I will be working on about 6 sourceforge projects — Some of the SourceForge code I may pusblish here — Contact me ‘caverdude’ on sourceforge if you would like to jo...

Facebook /softwaredeveloperzone  Please visit and Like the page so that you can receive post in your feed. I am very active on the FaceBook page. I post video, audio, and image content there that you will not see here.          

SDZ Podcast Episode 10 – Tools and Skill Set

I discuss the tools that I use for coding or publishing Software Developer Zone. I talk about what I’m doing with SDZ, what languages I’m learning, what tools I’m using with maybe a few pointers or tips. Join me in using and learning the same things. Then socialize with me on Faceb...

Introduction to Data Structures and Java Collections

An Object is a Data Structure Objects are data structures. We all know programs have data, in fact in OOP an object is data and related program logic packaged into this thing called an object. In Java, we have primitives byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char. A String is an object mad...

Learn to code Java now!

Easy steps and tips to get started learning to code Java How easy is it to begin learning Java? I will explain the steps needed to get started. What tools are needed? Which tools to avoid at first. Ask yourself a few questions. Why do you want to learn Java? What are your main goals in learning Java...

Profiling Java Efficiency

Profiling without an  IDE with Java Think you need an IDE or a paid IDE to profile? Think again. I explain in this post how to do this with the basic Java language. You will find some interesting results in the very simple test case that I made up for this article. Later I will try to come back and ...

Local Data Storage 8 – Random Access Files with Java

Random Access Files with Java Working with Java and Files Tutorial Trail Serialized XML to Files SQLite Database Random Access Files(API) (RAF) in Java are super easy to use. Use an RAF when you are doing more database-like operations vs document-like operations. With an RAF you can move to any loca...

Sprite Organizer 0.1 Alpha

Organizing Sprites, Tiles, Textures etc on Image Strips or Grids. This article is about a tool for organizing sprite or tile images into image grids or image strips. It’s useful for organizing game sprites, simulation sprites, textures or even CSS sprites used on web pages.  It has buffers whi...

Simple 3D graphics using Java Swing

See also Simple 3D Graphics with JavaFX Isometric or Orthogonal 3D views In this article, I demonstrate 3D Graphics showing you how to project a surface in 3D using 3 modes for drawing the surface. There is a left-hand mode, a center mode, and a right-hand mode. This same transformation math works f...

Sound effects and Musical Notes.

Sound Effects and Musical Notes I will demo how to play a wave file or other sound files as effects. How to play musical notes. Later I will write on how to play music files simultaneously with sound effects.  There is a website that is like a YouTube for sound effects. is a website wh...

Local Data Storage 10 – JDBC and H2 (formerly HypersonicSQL)

H2 Database and Java When I began using Java years ago I heard of a database that was being coded entirely using Java. This was HypersonicSQL and you can still download it at Sourceforge. The author working on it decided it needed a rewrite and he began H2 database. First download H2 installer at H2...